Tuesday, December 30, 2008

When The Lights Were Out . . .

Posted by Carrie Sue, not Carey Sue

For most of our children, a day without electricity means an adventure while staying wrapped up with blankets. You can bet the dust is blown off the antiquated board games. No one in the house remembers the rules that go with Scrabble. And it is hard to resist a good round of flashlight tag even though you are supposed to be "saving" the batteries.

Then you've got the "we're are without electricity" dining dilemma. You're family is down to the last loaf of Wonder Bread (pictured, baby not included), a fresh container of peanut butter, two jars of applesauce, and a handful of stale marshmallows.

I talked to our seven year old friend Rickie via his mom's cellphone shortly after the power went out and he said it was going to be awesome.

His mom, Carey Sue confided that she was worried about Rickie's cystic fibrosis. Manual chest percussions weren't nearly as effective as the treatments he received while wearing his vest.

By the time the power was returned to the 2,300 customers in Grosse Pointe, Rickie had missed three treatments that required electricity. During my last phone call with Rickie before the energy was restored, his voice was barely recognizable. Thick with mucous and deep from chest congestion, seven year old Rickie, bragged about everything he played with that wasn't electric.

"Mostly I'm playing with Star Wars guys and Matchbox cars. Then when I get bored I line up the Star Wars guys and use the Matchbox cars and play bowling 'til they are all knocked over. Oh, I've got a Hulk guy too but he doesn't stand very good. I need guys that stand good so I can bowl 'em over."
Long story short, my people, is once the power was restored and roads were cleared Rickie was in the doctor's office and the decision was made not to admit him to the hospital but to send him home with medication that included a minimum of four weeks on two antibiotics, and treatments are now four times a day instead of two.

Remember this plea? Well, we are at that point in time. Are you interested in making a huge difference? Have you got an envelope and a stamp? Can you spare five minutes to jot a quick message? Seven year old Rickie would love to hear from you!
Many of you have already responded and Rickie's mom has a small stash left of your mail to share with him during the long treatments. If you thought about responding during the first request and it slipped your mind ... well here is one more opportunity.

The unfortunate thing about cystic fibrosis is even when Rickie's come through this bout of congestion, you will have yet another chance to send him mail the NEXT time he gets ill.

And why do I feel so passionate about helping? I'll tell you why right now. On January 6 of 1996 I lost my chronically ill daughter, Madeleine. She was the same age as Rickie, seven. She had an undiagnosed degenerative neuromuscular disorder, but she died from complications with pneumonia.

Life's come full circle for me and through foster care, David and I are looking forward to adopting our two youngest children (a boy age seven and a girl age five) that we've been calling our own for the past two years.

I look at my healthy happy seven year old and know that he has two perfect lungs. I see his pink cheeks on his flushed face. I remember back thirteen years to a point where I watched another child of mine struggle for oxygen and never quite get enough no matter how much work we did on those lungs, no matter how hard we tried to get all the gunk removed ... well it was never quite enough to make a difference.

I won't continue, but this isn't about me. This is about making a difference for Rickie and right now, while his lungs are out of commission he still has an active mind and a busy body. Make a difference, send him a card and tell him someone in another section of our great land is thinking about him.

Contact me, Candid Carrie at carriestuckmann at gmail dot com and I will get his address to you right away. Be sure to put Rickie in the subject line. Thanks.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Don't Worry Be Happy, It Can Be Done...

I had this long and drawn out post today, to introduce this video. I deleted it.

Basically, it was talking about how bad the economy is and how concerned all of us are, and rightly so! I've asked my husband not to talk about it all the time with me, so I am taking my own advice and doing that with you! That being said, please watch this it really touched me, and made me realize (again) that we should be thankful for even the small things in our lives.

Please watch.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

You asked for it, and here she is!!

Sometimes when I get up in the morning, I feel very peculiar. I feel like I've just got to bite a cat! I feel like if I don't bite a cat before sundown, I'll go crazy! But then I just take a deep breath and forget about it. That's what is known as real maturity.

And that is exactly what Lucy does, she wakes up and goes straight for the cats. Scout, our mother cat loves Lucy. Yes, she really does...Lucy runs straight for her and Scout lays down and Lucy is all over her. (very amusing to watch)

I completely forgot what having a puppy was like until this passed week. I have a toddler, yes a toddler you have to watch her like a hawk, because if you didn't pick up something off the floor, it's in her mouth. Just a glimpse of Lucy. More pictures next week!


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happiness Is A Warm Puppy

Lucy is here! I'll show you better pictures later because right now we want to watch her sleep.

Hmmm ... I love the smell of puppy breath, how about you?
Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Do Not Worry About A Thing

Be careful with your babies.

Our children can feel the affect the economic situation has on their lives. Cut backs in the family, hearing it on the news constantly and from their parents worrying and discussing, sometimes when little ears shouldn't be listening.

So my motto this past week was "Don't Worry About A thing"

Every morning this week my children would come downstairs I would was playing this song and singing it to them and try to start their day off on a positive note!

My message to you out there is "everything's going to be alright!" Let your kids go to school on a happy note. Shelter them from receiving too much information. Protect them from the cold hard facts. You can tell them there will be changes, but they don't need to see the fear in your eyes and make it their own fear.

Bob Marley--Three Little Birds or Don't Worry About A Thing

Here is my Friday Foto ... this is Rickie being a kid! Let your kids be kids during this hard economic times! We are worried all of us, just don't discuss it non-stop with your children.

Spend time with your family. It is free. Blow the dust off your board games. Bonding as a family can be free (and priceless).

Monday, December 8, 2008

You're not going to believe this!!!

If you haven't had the chance to hear this amazing little girl heres your chance. .

Warning: Get some Kleenex, you're going to need it!!

Six year old Connie Talbot

Friday, December 5, 2008

I really miss my dad

I really miss my dad. He's in Alabama for the winter with my mom. This is my favorite picture of him. In this picture he was seventeen. He married my mom a year later.

Did you see that? I had to take a picture of a picture so that I could show you! My kids have not had time to show me how to scan. Maybe for Christmas they could teach me Scanning 101. I'd better put that on my Christmas list or know one will pay attention to it!

Anyway, when I was a little girl I thought that I would marry my dad. I would bring my friends in to "look" at my dad. When my brothers and I were young, he worked two or three jobs to make ends meet. As soon as he sat down he fell asleep. It wasn't a real nap, it was a "cat" nap.

So I would parade my girlfriends past my handsome daddy. "Isn't he cute?" I would ask and they would all shake their heads "yes" because no one wanted to wake him.

The entire time I was growing up I was always crazy about my dad. And it wasn't because I was the favorite. He didn't have favorites. I actually thought all girls were wild about their daddies until I started talking to friends in middle school and they thought their own dads were "dumb" or "old."

Jump ahead to high school and at that time I remember my friends telling me that my your dad is was good looking and nice. He really never said much or really interacted with them because he was the strong but silent type.

Even when I look at the picture above I vividly remember how loved and safe I felt with him. This picture was Thanksgiving at my aunt's house. I burst in the room with something to say and once again my daddy had given me his undivided attention.

Enjoy your vacation, dad. I miss you. Relax and come home safely.

Love, Carey

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tagged--now I'm it!!!

My dear friend over at Rbk's Realm tagged me. I want to mention first, if you haven't, you really should check her out--she's absolutely fascinating. You will learn riveting customs and traditions from her first home in India.
This is what you need to do:

1) Link to the person who tagged you.
2) Post the rules on your blog (copy and paste 1-6).
3) Write 6 random things about yourself (see below).
4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.
5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Here goes:

1) I have six kids ages; 20, 18, 16, 14, 12 and 7. Do you see a pattern?

2) The first five children, I had with my former husband. He said to me, you'll never get remarried or have a long term relationship! With five kids they'll run like hell!
I guess I showed him didn't I!

3) I spent a good portion of my first 8 years of life at an airport, looking up into the air. My parents parachuted every weekend. My mom was so good she could jump out of an airplane, holding an egg in her hand, and land on target...without breaking the egg! To be fair my dad did too!

4) My husband married me with 5 kids (see above)he had none! He moved all of us to Detroit from a small town in West Michigan, coworkers said we were the Beverly Hillbillies! Soon after we had number 6! He is quite the trooper!

5) I think I could have OCD, when I'm anywhere and bored I start counting in my head, pictures on walls, wall angles, things on the floor...and the thing is, it has to end on a even number. If it doesn't, I will start over until it does. I've had therapy so don't worry I'm fine!

6) I love to vacuum, yes, it's true, I will vacuum every single day...even if it doesn't need it.

7) I have the best laundry room ever! Two washers and two dryers, built in folding table and a mounted television on the wall, for my viewing pleasure. I would rather do laundry, than sit in the family room and watch TV.

8) I have another daughter leaving for college next fall and I'm already sad. I know Red (spokes n spin)you think I'm crazy, but I can't help it!

I went over, sorry! I was thinking it was 10! Oh yeah, my memory sucks! It really worries me. Although, if I lose my memory, I just hope I'm in a good place in my head...and I don't know, that I lost it!

I'm changing the rules just a bit...if you want to tell us some interesting things about you, go right ahead and please link to me and if you don't It doesn't matter.

C'est la vie!

My *ahem* 49th birthday!

Monday, November 24, 2008


I love Lucy.

Not that Lucy!

This Lucy!

Our bundle of joy is expected to arrive at our house in about ten days! I can't wait to smell her sweet puppy breath. And clean up her adorable puppy piddle.

Do me a favor, dear readers. If I ever start complaining about that puppy piddle be sure to refer me back to this post, alright?

I might not be back for a little while because I have to puppy proof the house!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Untraditional Traditions

Maybe it is my age, I am not sure but I seem to have memory lapses. I've decided that when a memory pops in my head I had better write about it so I don't forget.

We are a spiritual family, believe in God, but we don't reguarly attend religious services. Having said that, our Easter it's pretty much like everyone else's Easter.

We would color Easter eggs, set out carrots for the Easter bunny the night before, and hunt for our Easter baskets on Easter morning. See, we were just like you.

When my Grandparents were alive we would almost always go to their house for Easter dinner. I told you we were just like you.

Here's the thing about untraditional traditions, you don't know they are untraditional until you start talking. That was how I found out I wasn't just like you.

I am taking you back to Easter morning.

* The Easter baskets are found.

* Eggs are safely refrigerated.

* Chocolate bunnies have been eaten.

Besides cheap plastic grass, what is left in the Easter baskets?

Yes, you got it jelly beans!

And what do you do with jelly beans on Easter morning?

Come on think!

That's right, you play jelly bean poker!

And if you're really good at jelly bean poker, you win all of the jelly beans!

I am not sure how old I was when I found out that this was a tradition that was unique to my family, but I remember being surprised.

Do you have an untraditional tradition that you would like to share? Go tell Candid Carrie because she is having a contest.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

"I can think better when I think alone."- E.B. White

It was late summer, and I had spotted this days prior to taking this picture. Rickie insisted it was Charlotte's Web... who was I to argue, of course it's Charlotte's Web !!
Here's one of my favorite quotes from Charlotte's Web! Charlotte talking to Wilbur:

"Why did you do all this for me?" he asked. "I don't deserve it. I've never done anything for you."
"You have been my friend," replied Charlotte. "That in itself is a tremendous thing. I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die... By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heavens knows anyone's life can stand a little of that."

Reading to your kids pays off!!

Head on over to Candid Carrie for some phantastic Fotos of excellence!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hurry people not much time left!!

Alright, I've always been a bit of a procrastinator...this is the last day to enter Candid Carrie's Cheesy-giveaway so head on over to her place and post about it and your entered! There, that was easy!

I am going to win!!! I hope.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Friday Foto Finish Fiesta...Pregnancy fotos

You really ought to go over to Candid Carries and check out all of the fabulous fotos and especially Carries *WOW* Your going to love it!

Before you take a look at my fabulous Phat belly...remember this is my sixth child OK people, this is very daring for me. Well, kind of, if you knew me in real life it's not too surprising. I am a bit different in person...I was telling Candid Carrie that I wish I was witty, sarcastic and funny on my blog but I'm not....nada, zilch, zero. Get the point I'm not one of the FUNNY ones, and that's OK, not all of us can do that-be funny that is. I do though like to ramble on and on and on.

So, take a look I was out in the garden, I had gotten really warm so I took my shirt off and had my jogging bra on. Yes I still ran while I was pregnant...I'm sure that was quite the site!

One month later here I am.

The finished project about a month later! Of course I look tired!

And finally Daddy time! Big smooches!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Biggest party ever....

and it's not for me...Yes, I voted I did my civil duty.

I really don't like to talk about politics, because I'm the type of person that hates conflict. If I did tell you my point of view, somebody would get mad and I just don't want to do that. I know that people say, hey-it's your blog tell it like it is. Truly I would if I didn't think anyone was reading...I know there are, so no comments from me politically.

On a different note--It's my birthday and it's almost 70 degrees here...my parents are here along with all of my kids so it's a great day!

Have a wonderful day everyone. I am.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy All Hallow's Eve.......

Ali the "nerd"

Rickie at pre-school
I was listening to the radio this morning and I got this great idea for a post this morning!! They were having listeners call in and tell them the worse thing they got for Halloween!!!

Here's a few I heard this morning--a frozen waffle, can you imagine looking down and seeing a FROZEN WAFFLE, gee thanks...a bag of cough drops...

Rock hard popcorn balls.

Toothbrush and toothpaste from a dentist! (comes in handy though!)

So come on people, leave me a comment, and tell me the worse thing, or on the flip side, the best thing you received in your Halloween bag!!

Go to Candid Carrie and see all the fotos for Friday Foto Finish Fiesta!!
This is a great foto...can't take credit for it found it on Corbis!

*couldn't find Halloween pictures this morning-I would have to scan them, and I don't know how!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We really need to get some candy...

Rickie-How many days until Halloween Mommy?


Rickie-You're kidding...wow...we don't have any candy yet!!

Me-I know I'll have to get some.

Rickie-Why don't you make some!

Me-I can't make candy.

Rickie-Are you kidding mommy...you can make anything....you can make loovve...etc, etc

I completely forgot what else he listed at this point.

Me--Yeah, I do love you alright...

Big hugs!

I love the fact that our kids think--we can do anything. I'll show this to him when he gets older....

Kids say the darnedest things!

It looks like pick-up sticks!!!

When Ric leaves for work we have coffee in the morning, and talk about what we're doing for the day. He decided I should clean out some cupboards and our small pantry off of our kitchen...I wasn't that excited about cleaning out the pantry, but being the nice wife that I am I did it.

Here's a picture of the floor, I was taking everything out and moving it to the basement pantry and this is what happened! Yes, that's dry spaghetti all over the floor! I picked up the box to move and it was upside down (thanks kids!)

Kind of looks like pick-up sticks don't ya think?

We'll I cleaned it all up and it looks beautiful!

Oh yeah, got the cupboard cleaned out too!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just a tad frustrated...

He did his very best today, he gave it his all. They want him on IV meds for another week! It's the best for him, I know...me, not so much! (did that sound like a song?)

He might be home for the week...to finish them out and get some much needed rest. If we do this...the chances go way down for the need to be in the hospital. And we all know we don't want that!

He will get better!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sign him up...

Rickie's biggest dream is to be in the army...he takes it very seriously as you can tell....his IV bag comes in very handy because it looks like a grenade!

What's so funny with kids is that when they put a costume on they ARE that character...he was wearing the army costume tonight and he was strutting his stuff, standing tall and acting very brave--of course he couldn't hug me in uniform!! So, I'm playing along with him and I merely suggest he wear it tomorrow when he goes in to do his PFT'S. You know, make him stronger...or give him more confidence, and he looks up at me with disbelief and says...why would I do that and that is dumb mom...you can't walk into the hospital with a costume on.

I thought for sure he would play along, I was getting into it!! A little bit later he said to me...do you really think it would make me stronger?

I preceded to tell him it absolutely would, and he could make his mind up in the morning. Of course, we'd have to put the camo paint on his face...and maybe they wouldn't even recognize him!

I will play along, and do what ever makes him happy tomorrow...because if he passes his test tomorrow....no.more.Iv's!!!

*Army costume with built in muscles- priceless*

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bloggy Book Club at Ronda's Rants!!!

Please head on over to Ronda's Rants and participate in her Bloggy Book Club.

She is discussing the book--The Shack by William P. Young

I will be reading all of the posts about this book though so please, if you've read the book speak about it!

Next time I'll finish the book in time! :)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

Friday Foto Finish fiesta is happenin' right now so go on over to Candid Carrie and check out all of the funny,fabulous fotos!

Friends Forever

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

November 6, 1958---October 23, 2005

Dear Dave,

I'm sitting here at my computer trying to find words to tell you how much I miss you. No words can accurately describe how this feels writing to you, knowing you'll never answer me back...you were my big brother, my protector, my confidant, my hero.

I remember when you went into the navy and how mom, dad, Rick and I cried as the bus drove off with you in it...and how young you looked. How you looked so brave, I missed you then. You came back, older, stronger and more confident. Not that you weren't already. Heck, you were the high school heart throb, all the girls loved you! I was in your shadow in high school...one time some guy came up to me out of the blue and said--Hey, why can't you be like your brother Dave? and I just replied...I don't know? I wasn't jealous-I was so proud of you, you had the cool factor going on.

When you came home on leave from the Navy, you were so great, I was so happy that you were home even for a little while...I just want to thank you for spending time with me...taking your kid sister to lunch, buying me things (you didn't have to do that you know) Listening to Fleetwood Mac on your 8 track! Drinking beer with Pickard!

I wanted to tell you that I bragged about you all the time..."My brothers in the Navy on a nuclear submarine, he's a nuclear electrician!" I think people got tired of hearing about how great you were!

A lot has happened since you've been gone...but, I don't want to go that route right now. I just want to say; thanks for being there for me...we had a great life together...you know, you don't hear about that many siblings loving each other as much as you, Rick and I did! Maybe partly because we were so close in age, Mom practically had triplets we were so close.

Just know that I miss you so much my heartaches, I'll never ever, ever stop missing you...I know that if you could you'd tell me to stop already! So, I will.

I love you Dave. Miss you.

Here's to you, one of the songs we used to listen to, in your green chevy malibu.

Fleetwood Mac-Never Going Back Again

Get The Bean

Hey...all you coffee and tea lovers, there's a fabulous new blog that just started a few days ago.


Here is the best part- to launch they're website they are doing a great GIVEAWAY! For the month of October they're going to giveaway 1 bag of coffee EVERY WEEK!

So, head on over to Get the bean and check out this great new site!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More fall pictures...

I really like these...the color has really popped!

Monday, October 20, 2008

OK so I get lost....

When my oldest daughter was a baby, I often times took her for walks in the woods.

We lived on a dead end road, the last house on the left and about a thousand feet from the road, so basically out in the middle of no where.

Ali was a one year old at the time, and she was up early...so, I decided to take her for a walk, mind you it was a foggy morning...the sun was not shining. If you know me you know that I get lost very easily.

My husband at the time, always kept the trails mowed, so how could I possibly get lost?!! I was not worried I've never, ever been lost in the woods...I grew up in the country!

We set off for our walk holding hands and singing and talking...it was precious.

I guess I wasn't really paying too much attention, because we were off the trail! That's OK, I can find my way back, at this point her little legs are getting very tired, so she's on my shoulders now.

Still walking, and looking for something that looks familiar. Nope, nothing.nada. yet I swear I can find my way back.

This is before cell phones. Can't call and get help...so, I do the second option- start crying just a wee bit don't want to upset Ali. Remember, there is no sun I can't walk in any direction and know where I'm going. Cannot get my bearings I'd walk 20 minutes one way, and I don't see anything at all that I've seen before. OK, maybe someone is out in the woods and can hear me.


NOTHING. Silence. Ok I'm crying now...like a baby! I.am.lost.

I have been in the woods for two hours I think or longer.

Ali at this point is getting really heavy. Alright Carey--suck.it.up. Figure it out you're a mom!

I'm standing in the woods and looking around--I've tried going this way and that way let's try just walking one direction and maybe, I'll hit the road at some point and walk home...yes, it has to work.

I think I hear some voices...yay, people, living, breathing people that can help me.

But, wait. They could be ax murderers! Well, I'll just have to take my chances.


Them--Hey, how's it goin? (shot guns in arms)

Do not let them know that you're scared shitless.

Them--You lost?

Me--Ahhhh, yeah. Can you tell me how to get to 72nd avenue?

Them--What? You're way the hell from there....hahahahahahahah

Me--I need to get home, where is it?

Them--Follow us and we'll take you home.

OMG, take me home, I don't know these guys at all. I thought if I just followed them to the road, that would be OK.

We make it to their house. I have never seen a scene like this before it was a cross between the Beverly Hillbillies house before they moved to California, and the Adams Family. Cars up on blocks...not that there's anything wrong with that mind you...junk everywhere, I'm talkin garbage galore--mud...there's no grass just mud. Chickens pecking the ground. Oh yeah, a deer hanging from a tree...I know it was deer season...had no business in the woods.

I see a van in the drive way. A van with no windows. I don't know but that just freaks me out, don't they want to see out the sides of the van?!

I quickly ask if I can use there phone...they don't have one! SHIT. What am I going to do. The only thing I can do is walk home on the road.

I quickly thank them, and tell them I'm fine and I'll walk home.

"Hey, maam, you can't walk all the way home!"

"I'm fine," I say, and start walking down their muddy driveway, with my tired, cold, one year old.

I stopped and stood there for a moment and turned around. OK, I'll take a ride home.

What the heck was I thinking...ride with complete strangers in a van with no windows. OMG! They could...well, you know what they could do.

I'm in their van and all the while they're driving I'm praying to myself....please God just let me get home and I'll never get into a strangers van or car again...I promise!

They took us home and I thanked them.

I had them drop me off at the end of my road...didn't want them to know which house was mine...of course they're were only two to choose from.

Needless to say, I didn't walk in the woods for a long time after that...I just couldn't do it.

That was the first time I got into a van with strangers, you'd think I would of learned my lesson...that's a whole other story!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A few scenes from my neighborhood...

Went for a walk Thursday here are a few shots I thought were pretty good!

I had to put my hand though a hole in a fence to get this shot...what I really wanted to do...was go in and walk in the woods! Next time I'll find an opening.

I think the color this year is phenomenal.

This is in a cemetery not too far from my house.

Check out more photos over at candid carrie for Friday foto finish fiesta!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm feeling sorry for myself today...just today

(warning venting and feeling sorry for myself post) I'm just going to start typing so bear with me...

I feel so overwhelmed lately with doing Rickie's meds and treatments and taking care of everything...

Most of the time it doesn't bother me, or I don't let it bother me...he's CF doesn't exist...yeah, he does treatments every single day--but, that's normal. When he gets sick it's a slap in the face that it exists and even if he isn't coughing, mucus is building up in his lungs trying to grow bacteria. blah,blah blah....

Both of my parents are not doing well and that's a constant worry as well...I'm the only kid left so it's up to me to help them. (when I can) that's another thing I can't help them as much as I want to.

The anniversary of my brothers death is coming up October 23rd so I'm thinking of him a lot.

I guess it's just a bunch of stuff piled up...I can take it most days. I'm rambling I know

I also realize, it could be worse, and others have it harder than I. If you're out there I am so sorry, and know that--I do think of others and their circumstances all the time.

I pretty much do this every couple of months (feel sorry for myself) and most of the time I don't publish..I decided today that I would and be done with it.

Here's to tomorrow and moving forward.

Thanks for listening!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Eleven O'clock...

I was getting Rickie's meds ready again tonight for his eleven o'clock dose...just thought I'd show you what he is on.

The big syringe is Ceftazidime and I have to push that in...ideally taking 5 minutes.
The baby bottle looking antibiotic is call Gentamicin and that takes around 30 minutes to infuse.

When he was hospitalized this time the Physical Therapist taught Rickie to huff..a different way to cough to loosen and get out his mucus. I was so proud of him because he "got it".

When Rickie was hospitalized in the past...he totally freaked out during blood draws. Normally they can draw blood from his port. They can't when he's on gentamicin because it would give them a wrong reading for his trough and peaks. I probably spelled that wrong for you medical people out there! Anyway, this time when they had to draw blood he just put his arm out and watched and didn't make a sound! I was so amazed! I'm not kidding it would take at least three adults to hold him down and one to draw blood...all the while he's screaming. So for him to totally do that was amazing!

They also added more medication to his everyday schedule...Rickie takes it all in stride...he says to me--"Mommy, I'm just a normal boy." And that's how he wants people to see him.

Good night! :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Home is where the heart is...

Rickie's home and feeling better...he has his IV meds to do at home and the usual treatments...hopefully we got this over with early in the flu season...we can only hope! (if it only worked that way!)

Again thank you for all your well wishes!

This is Chelsea my sweetie at the surgeons office this morning waiting to get her wisdom teeth removed...she was a bit nervous! I have two sickies to take care of this evening...Get well Chels! It's a bit more quiet around here! Not a bad thing huh?

Good night everyone! :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The worst is over....

I think Rickie went through the worst of his virus at home...he was admitted yesterday and they did the usual, blood work, PFT's, chest x-ray, and accessing his port. They have him on two different antibiotics. They have to check his blood levels to make sure they don't give him too much of one--because it can cause hearing loss. Don't want that!

He's on droplet alert because he has a virus....no leaving the room and anyone coming in has to gown up and wear a mask.

The good news is--they might let me take him home and continue his IV meds at home. YAY!

As some of you know, sleeping in the hospital is not conducive to sleeping. The downside would be they wouldn't let me take him home until he's down with the round of meds! *ugh*

Just thought I'd let you know--he's doing a lot better already.

Thanks for all of your support.
Life is good!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Waiting for a room...

Thank you all for your comments and support. It really means a lot!

I'm getting anxious now, because he's getting worse....

p.s. I'm really not trying to be a drama queen I'm just scared.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Rickies going back in for a lock up...

Rickie is being admitted tomorrow to Mott's Childrens Hospital.

His Doctor says for a couple of days to start IV meds and to knock out what's growing in his lungs.

He'll be fine. He's a trooper.

I will be back in a few days. If I'm longer, my daughters will update.

Very cool giveaway....

Notice the cool button above...The Life & Crimes of a Mom is doing a very cool giveaway! Go and check her out. She does awesome blog designs and creates beautiful custom jewelry!

Post her giveaway, and she'll give YOU extra entries... mention where you heard this and the person you mention, will get extra entries as well!! hint, hint

So, what are you waiting for get over there! (please)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

September 24, 1988

**I know you're surprised!

I have an announcement to make..I completely dissed you Ali...yes, I did. You turned 20 on September 24th and I didn't even make mention of it.

Ali I am so sorry. It's just that...I was so... Hey, I do not have an excuse--

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y A L I...

You are no longer in your teens you're now in your twenties...you work full time and go to college full time...not only do you have a 4 point you're in honors college!!!!!!!

I think you're amazing, beautiful, funny, talented and the bestest big sister ever! You're an incredible writer and humanitarian, thank you for making me so proud.

I couldn't love you more even if I tried!

I love you sweetie--Happy Birthday!

Love, Mom

Saturday, October 4, 2008

She is sixteen going on seventeen...and other happenings!

Happy Birthday Darling I love you very, very, very, very, very, very MUCH! ( lyrics taken from Bright Eyes)
Not only is it your birthday, it's also your Homecoming Dance!

You are my middle child, the one that gets lost in the shuffle. Yes.it's.true. When we had you we also had two others who needed a lot of attention. Ali not so much. Chelsea was not yet two so in her eyes you TOOK her mommy! You took it all in stride, even as a newborn... you sat back... and observed. Thank you for being so patient.

When you were not quite two, we had another baby. You took that all in stride as well. You didn't make a lot of noise...played by yourself and always were smiling.

Well, today it's your turn! It is all about you!! Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter! HAPPY SWEET SIXTEEN!!!!!!!

*next year you're the oldest home.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Fox2 News...

Well, we just watched our interview and of course we were all laughing our heads off!!

Seriously--it was a great segment...we would be terrible celebrities, we were all nervous.

Click on here to see the interview.

For our local people....

Right here in this newly painted dining room, we were interviewed by Lila Lazarus of Fox2 news Detroit.

Remember guys, the camera adds 10 pounds to you...

Lila L. is a teeny tiny woman--she doesn't look big by any means...in person she is a shrimp. ( no offense Lila) Chloe our 12 year old was there as well and she's the same height! so glad she wasn't sitting next to me!!

Any way it was a blast and hopefully they air it tonight at 10pm on Fox2 Detroit.

I think you can watch it if you go to myfoxdetroit.com and click on health and go from there. Put in Cystic Fibrosis or Rickie.

Simply Beautiful...

No words needed...

Just awe-inspiring!

Friday, September 26, 2008

OK, so I was missing for a while...

Just figured how to download from my camera...I kept getting the message "not ready."
So, I tricked it and put the card directly into the computer and IT WORKED!!

Here are a couple of pictures of Rickie...the second one...he is off to school on his bike for the first time!

You'll be seeing a lot more day to day pictures!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

She made it through!!!

My mom had surgery last Wednesday, she made it through the surgery!

You see we were a bit worried, as she had a heart attack in June of this year. We are so thankful for all your prayers and well wishes!

*This is a picture of my parents and myself this past August on vacation in Canada.

Monday, September 15, 2008

OK, so it won't change history YET!

Researchers have been working on a vaccine for breast cancer tumors for 10 years...they now have a vaccine that targets tumors and stops them from growing.

Apparently they're hopeful to come up with a breast cancer vaccine in time. (10 to 20 yrs)

This is wonderful news...my mother is having a mastectomy on Wednesday. Hopefully, she will have available to her the vaccine if more tumors come back via clinical trails!

This is her second round of breast cancer please say a prayer for her on Wednesday...:)

*when this was told to us this morning from a reporter--it was our understanding there WAS a vaccine to prevent breast cancer. Still good news!

This is big people...really big!!

Watch the news today...something that will change history will be announced!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Swimming for Cystic Fibrosis..Friday foto Finish Fiesta

As most of you know five brave men committed to swim from Harsens Island to The Grosse Pointe yacht Club. September 4, 2008.

Fox 2 news planned on covering the event...although, there was something more important to cover...the plea agreement of the now ex-mayor of Detroit. So because of this man, fox 2 had to miss the event.

More important, we were there for them cheering them as they came in. Can you imagine swimming for 8 hours? I can't.

When you love your kids... you can do things you'd never think you could do, the human spirit is so incredible.

Congratulations: Ric Geyer, Derek Weaver, Greg McDuffee, Mike Hutchinson, Mike Stevens And a special thanks to Shaun McElroy for volunteering to ride the entire day in the boat, watching out for these guys. He is an EMT.

Thanks again!

Head on over to candidcarrie and check out all of the cool pictures...their has to be hundreds of them by now.

*click pictures to enlarge